2023-2024 Series B Worship Planner

April 2, 2024
Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent and Holy Week Easter and Day of Pentecost Pentecost
Dates December 3 - December 24 December 24- December 31 January 7 - February 11 February 18 - March 24 March 31 -
May 12
May 19 -
September 1
September 8 - November 24
Liturgy Setting ELW 3 ELW 3 ELW 3 ELW 10 ELW 4 ELW 4 ELW 4
Parament Color Blue White Green
(White for Baptism of our Lord and Transfiguration)
Purple White Green
(Red for Day of Pentecost, White for Trinity)
(Red for Reformation,
White for All Saints and Christ the King)
Gathering Confession and Forgiveness Omit Thanksgiving for Baptism on Baptism of our Lord and Transfiguration. Otherwise, Confession and Forgiveness Confession and Forgiveness Thanksgiving for Baptism Confession and Forgiveness Confession and Forgiveness
Kyrie Yes Yes Yes on Baptism of our Lord and Transfiguration All other Sundays, No No on Passion Sunday.
Otherwise, yes
Yes Trinity, Yes
Otherwise, No
Hymn of Praise No Yes Glory to God No, including Sunday of the Passion This is the Feast Glory to God Glory to God
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Return to the Lord Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
Creed Nicene Nicene Apostles’ Apostles’ Nicene Apostles’
(Nicene on Pentecost and Trinity)
Offering Hymn "Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
"Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
"Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
Create in Me
WOV 732
"Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
"Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
"Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful"
ELW 184
Proper Preface Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent Easter Sundays Sundays
Eucharistic Prayer III
“Holy One, the beginning...
“Holy One, the beginning...
“Holy, mighty and merciful Lord...”
“Blessed are you...”
“Blessed are you...”
“Holy, mighty and merciful Lord...”
“Holy, mighty and merciful Lord...”


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