January 2024 Worship Planner

Edit 01/01/2024 January 7 January 14 January 21 January 28
Lectionary Sunday Baptism of Our Lord Second Sunday after Epiphany Third Sunday after Epiphany Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Liturgy Setting ELW 3 ELW 3 ELW 3 ELW 3
Parament Color White Green Green Green
Special Event, Occasion
or announcement
Noisy Offering Food Pantry Challenge
Gathering Remembrance of Baptism Confession and Forgiveness
S&S Day Texts
Confession and Forgiveness
S&S Day Texts
Confession and Forgiveness
S&S Day Texts
Gathering Hymn "Shall we Gather at the River"
ELW 423
"Dearest Jesus, at Your Word"
ELW 520
"I Love to Tell the Story"
ELW 661
"Songs of Thankfulness
and Praise"
ELW 310
Kyrie No No No No
Hymn of Praise Glory to God Glory to God Glory to God Glory to God
Readings Genesis 1:1-5
Acts 19:1-7
Mark 1:4-11
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Psalm 139:1-6,13-18
John 1:43-51
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Mark 1:21-28
Gospel Acclamation Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia
Sermon title
Preacher Pr. Mark Pr. Mark Pr. Mark Pr. Mark
Hymn of the Day "Baptized and Set Free"
ELW 453
  "O Jesus, I Have Promised"
ELW 810
"Jesus calls us; O’er the Tumult"
ELW 696
"Open Your Ears,
O Faithful People"
ELW 519
Creed Apostles’ Apostles’ Apostles’ Apostles’
Offering Response "As with Gladness Men of Old"
st. 3 ELW 302
"As with Gladness Men of Old"
st. 3 ELW 302
"As with Gladness Men of Old"
st. 3 ELW 302
"As with Gladness Men of Old"
st. 3 ELW 302
Offering Prayer S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts
Preface Epiphany Epiphany Epiphany Epiphany
Holy Holy Holy Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thanksgiving at the Table S&S Planner
Holy, mighty, and merciful Lord,...
S&S Planner
Holy, mighty, and merciful Lord,...
S&S Planner
Holy, mighty, and merciful Lord,...
S&S Planner
Holy, mighty, and merciful Lord,...
Lamb of God Yes Yes Yes Yes
Distribution Hymns “Spirit of Gentleness”
ELW 396
“This is the Spirit’s Entry Now”
ELW 448
"Here I Am, Lord"
ELW 574
"Lord, be Glorified"
ELW 744
"Come, Let us Eat"
ELW 491
"I Want to Walk as a Child of
the Light"
ELW 815
"Healer of Our Every Ill"
ELW 612
"Let Us Break Bread Together"
ELW 470
Prayer after Communion S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts
Blessing S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts
Sending Hymn “God, Whose Almighty Word”
ELW 673
"Lord, Speak to Us,
That We May Speak"
ELW 676
"O Jesus I Have Promised"
ELW 810
"O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
ELW 886
Dismissal S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts S&S Day Texts


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